Options + level select update!

Hey y'all! New update! This update includes a level select screen so that you can go to Forest-2 only when replaying the game, but I've also added an options menu which includes:

  • Fullscreen mode, which is pretty cool.
  • A volume slider, which is also pretty cool.
  • Vsync, idk what that does but it works!
  • And Hard mode, which halves your health and doubles your berries.

There are also 2 new tracks for the options and level select and some small changes here and there that I cannot remember them all.

Enjoy! (pls play the game bc only like 5 people have played it and would love to see more people see what I can make.)


Berry Game -1 (Demo).zip 33 MB
3 days ago

Get Berry Game -1 (Demo)

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